Rabu, 20 Juni 2018

The Difference between APA and MLA Format

The Difference between APA and MLA Format

Image source: https://www.ashford.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/2014/07/Screen-Shot-2014-08-11-at-4.15.22-PM.png

The two most popular formats used in writing research papers are the APA and MLA format. The APA style, created by the American Psychological Association, is the preferred choice in the fields of psychology and social sciences. The MLA format, on the other hand, was produced by the Modern Language Association and is widely used in the fields of liberal arts and humanities. Being aware of the differences between the two will help you easily recognize the styles upon seeing them and enable you to follow the correct guidelines when writing your own paper.

As stated earlier, the users of the different styles belong to different academic fields. The APA format is mostly used in technical writing as well as in scientific papers. The MLA format is believed to be [g]enerally simpler and more concise according to the Modern Language Association. It can also be seen used in press releases, literary journals, and even in corporate reports.

The format of in-text citations between the two formats also differ slightly. The MLA format requires the authors last name and the page number while the APA format requires the authors last name and the date within a parenthesis.

While both formats require you to cite your sources in a bibliography, they use different labels for it. The MLA format refers to this section as Works Cited while the APA style uses the term References. Both of the styles list the citation entries alphabetically according to the authors last name. However, how the names are listed within each entry differs. For the APA style, the last name is followed by the first initial. The MLA format, on the other hand, lists the last name followed by the first name. For entries with more than 3 authors, the MLA format allows the use of et al. following the name of the first author. The APA format will require you to list down the names of up to 6 authors. The et al. is only used if the source has more than 6 authors.

The title page and the headers in both formats also differ. The MLA style does not require a title page but the APA style does. The title page for the APA style includes the title of the paper, your name, and the name of the institution you are affiliated with. While both styles ask that you use headers, they require different details to be included. The APA style will require Running head: followed by part of your title plus the page number on the title page. Subsequent pages will only require the title and the page number. The MLA format also has a header on the first page but will only include the authors name and page number.

One other difference that you should take note of is the tense used in each format. The MLA style is written in the present tense while the APA style is written in the past tense.

Selasa, 19 Juni 2018

The Charm of French Country Kitchen Design

The Charm of French Country Kitchen Design

Image source: http://www.moonwoods.com/wp-content/uploads/country-French-kitchen-decor.jpg

A kitchen can be more than just about its role in function, organization and efficiency. Kitchens need a personality and a look and feel that can liven up the senses in addition to being a functional place for the preparation of food. The French Country Kitchen design is one of many classic kitchen design themes that you could consider. It can provide your kitchen with a traditional look that has its roots in the hillsides of rural France. It is a style that can fit into both rural farmhouses and in the grandest chateau.

French country kitchen design conjures up images of the Provence and the French countryside with its pastoral settings, lavender fields and rustic French farmhouses. The French country kitchen represents country living that is uniquely French. In designing your French country kitchen design you discover that the French country look is always very rustic, old and warm.

There are many elements that go into the French country kitchen including the use of large pieces of furniture made mainly of light colored woods and can be decorated with ornate carving.

Color and French Country Kitchen Design
Color is an important place to start the design process. You can draw inspiration from some of the principle French impressionists like Monet and Renoir, Van Gogh. Colors that are used in the French country kitchen style can include sunny yellow or soft gold, bright red and rust, grass green, cobalt blue and soft ocean tones.

You can decorate in the style of the French country kitchen design by using vivid colors - poppy red, sunflower yellow, bright blue, meadow green, and sunset purple. Your walls and cabinets and large furniture can be painted in off white, ivory, light beige, and taupe. Cabinets can be painted a glossy white to brighten light-filled spaces in the kitchen or they can be left as natural wood. These colors can provide a light, airy feel so you do not want to use strong colors here. In fabrics such as curtains and seat cushions you might also add paisley, stripes and floral prints to your French Country Kitchen theme.

Natural Materials
Natural materials are an important element in walls, cabinetry and furniture that is used in the design of French country kitchens. The materials used in creating a rustic French country kitchen look include natural stone floors, granite counter tops and tumbled marble back splashes. These natural materials can be used on walls and beamed ceilings, and can be rough stained or painted plaster, or wood painted in natural colors. Floors can be made of stone or brick and covered with wool or cotton rugs, a fireplace made of stone with a heavy beam that can serve as a mantel, and wooden shutters as window coverings. Furniture and cabinets can have a rustic or even a distressed look. Countertops can be done in ceramic tile with tile back splashes.

Accent Pieces
In French country kitchen design you will find that tile, rustic urns, hand-painted European ceramics and pottery accents are used extensively. Ceramic tiles and terra cotta pottery pieces are used wherever possible. Add copper pots and a French country kitchen can can encompass many old world decorating colors.

A kitchen can be more than just about its role in function, organization and efficiency. Kitchens need a personality and a look and feel that can liven up the senses in addition to being a functional place for the preparation of food. The French Country Kitchen design is one of many classic kitchen design themes that you could consider. It can provide your kitchen with a traditional look that has its roots in the hillsides of rural France. It is a style that can fit into both rural farmhouses and grand chateaus.

The materials used in creating a rustic French country kitchen look include natural stone floors, granite counter tops and tumbled marble back splashes.

The Characteristics Of A New York Style Pizza

The Characteristics Of A New York Style Pizza

Image source: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3942912/16721243628_884505139f_o.0.jpg

Pizza is now a very popular meal that can satiate hunger and keep one full for a long time. Pizza came a long way from its Italian origins since there are now a lot of pizza varieties and pizzerias to choose from. There are a number of pizza styles and variations which a person can consider. Some of the pizza styles are named after the place where they have originated.

The New York style pizza is one of the most famous styles of pizza that is loved by many people. This pizza-style originated in New York City in the early 1900s. This is also considered as the only American style pizza that resembles the Naples, Italy style pizza more closely. The New York style pizza is characterized by wide, thin, and foldable slices. The most typical toppings of this pizza style were limited to tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. It is also characterized by having a puffy and bread-like outer crust that immediately narrows down to a very thin, crisp middle. The crust typically looks dark brown since there are no pans used to cook it. To cook the New York style pizza, it is assembled on a pizza peel and then placed directly on the oven deck. It is also said that this pizza style is best cooked using either wood or coal-fired ovens. It can even be cooked in a deck and even electric ovens. The slices are also usually eaten as a street snack thus it must be folded in half. The New York style pizza's size and flexibility makes it awkward to eat flat.

The New York style pizza is very famous around the world, not only in New York. This pizza style has various versions depending on whose making it. However, what makes this pizza-style genuinely different from other types of pizza is its yellow oily trails, which is linked to the fresh Grande mozzarella cheese that is typically used by New York pizzerias. This pizza style is typically baked in an 18" pan, and cut into 8 portions and often sold per slice.

If you are looking for a pizzeria that offers excellent New York style pizza, you can easily order online or pick up a phone. You can have any style of pizza you want since each pizza has its own taste, toppings, and flavors. You just have to pick one that will satisfy your cravings and your hunger.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2018

The Best Wedding Invitations For 2010

The Best Wedding Invitations For 2010

Image source: http://www.brides.com/images/2010_bridescom/00_editorialimages/12/best-wedding-invitations/large/best-wedding-invitations-2010-005.jpg

Do your ears perk up when you hear news of what the latest celebrity bride wore? Do you scour bridal mags looking for hot trends? Fashionistas everywhere know that stylish wedding invitation ideas are just as important as the cake icing or the flower arrangements. Look for these trends in the best wedding invitations for 2010:

*Mix-n-Match - Coordinating bridesmaids' dresses are becoming the go-to fashion for the new year. Reflect this in your invites by using mix-n-match stationery. For instance, use a solid-colored invitation with a fun striped or patterned reply card. You can also mix and match colors by coordinating shades or opposite colors of the spectrum. If you're a DIY-er, consider looking for mix and match kits that allow brides to customize their invitation ideas. It's easy to find mix and match invitations and invitation kits through online wedding suppliers.

*Splash 'em with color - Lately stylish brides have been spicing up the traditional white wedding gown with flashes of color. If you're choosing this bridal runway-inspired style, let your stationery follow suit. Try a white or ivory invitation trimmed with a color that matches the colors in your bridal gown.

*Be green - Whether you're an honest-to-goodness tree hugger or a woman who just wants to make a difference in the environment, some of the best wedding invitations for 2010 are eco-friendly. From paper made with up to 100% recycled products to invites embedded with seeds that can be planted in your guests' gardens, it's possible to find invites that are easy on the eyes--and easy on the earth.

*Go neutral - One of the hot new trends in wedding stationery is to use metallics as neutral colors. Earthy bronzes, elegant platinums, and opulent golds are guaranteed to add shimmer and shine to fashion-forward invites. Wow your guests with shimmery, silvery paper or classic golden borders.

*Custom wedding stationery - Some of the best wedding invitations for 2010 are customized invites that let your personality shine through. By working with a wedding stationery specialist, you'll be able to customize invites, from one-of-a-kind images to unique letterpress printing.

*Frugal is fashionable - Do-it-yourself kits are a hot trend in wedding invitation ideas, allowing brides to print the invites, reply cards, or thank you notes on high-quality paper using just a home computer. You'll save a few bucks on printing and, as a bonus, will have complete control over how the invites look.

Remember, don't let your quest for style get in the way of your wedding day. Ultimately, the best wedding invitations for your ceremony are the ones you like. So find wedding invitation ideas that speak to your own personal style and taste.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

The Best Things to Learn from Dad

The Best Things to Learn from Dad

Image source: http://www.allprodad.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/things-daughter-needs-from-her-dad.jpg

Unlike all the obvious guides in the world, there is no handbook for Dads. While women get to read loads of stuff of how to cope up with being a mom, Ive never come across any comprehensive guidebook for Dads. They watch their wives going through the pain helplessly, and wait patiently for the little miracle to come in the world and change their world forever. Whoever says Mothers are the only ones close to the children. A Father is the first love of his daughter and the first best friend of his son. Just like you cant substitute the love of a Mother, Fathers too are irreplaceable.

What is a Father to the Child

1] Fathers are the Bible of the world

He is the one who tells you the ugly truth of the world. Without his guidance, we would still be living in our dreamland of happiness and thinking everything and everyone out there will make us happy. We unknowingly learn from his everyday struggle. I learned how to use money, respect, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and even anger in the real world through him.

2] Fathers are always there

Every time he held my hand in the crowd, I knew he will save me from everything, and that I can peacefully eat my candy. Even when I grew up and it was time to face the world, I stepped out with the confidence of him watching my back, always.

3] Fathers teach how to struggle and never give up

Watching dad throughout our childhood we learn how to make our way in the mad race. Isnt it? He never comes home and gives us a lecture of how to make a living, but we learn it from his face that looks like a warrior tired after a war. We may hear him cribbing or even hating his work, but still everyday he gets up kiss us and goes back for his struggle, only to give us a life of happiness.

4] Fathers teach to eat with family

There were times when I had friends to catch up, favorite shows to watch and went through the infamous- leave me alone teenage phase. Whatever the reason may be, it all became null and void when Daddy called at the dinner table. This simple habit taught me the importance of coming back to the family no matter where on world were you the whole day. That has always been my favorite time of the day.

5] Fathers teach the difference between want and need

Remember when we really wanted something and thought we just cant live without it, and dad who always says yes to everything suddenly said NO! It took time to realize but he knew as inexperienced children we cannot differentiate between want and needs, so for us, he did that job, always.

6] Fathers have many faces- Teacher, Disciplinarian and even Clown

If fathers can draw a line, they are the ones who override orders (mommies) and lets you live too. He helps you with your homework at night and even draws your diagrams just to ensure you dont get scolded in school. Every time I made a mistake, its dad who I feared the most. Father is the disciplinarian who brings back our conscience and teaches us how to apologize and helps us correct our mistakes. At times when no one understands you and laughs at you at your funny paper boat, he is the one who claps and applauds your creation. He is the one who plays with you only to lose always, so that you can feel like a winner.

7] Fathers are the pillars of strength- They dont cry

Every father knows, in the childs eyes his father is the hero. A hero who protects, fights for us, brings gifts, laughs and plays with them and still never gets tired. A father is the shoulder to cry on and get strength for the entire family. He knows it is important for him to be the hero so that the child can get the strength to keep fighting and never give up. That is why, fathers dont cry- even if they want to.

8] Fathers teach you to love your family

No matter how much he wanted to go for his office party, he stayed back to help me with my exam preparations. He came back tired from office wanted to watch a movie but instead calmed me down by putting my favorite channel. Never for once did he complain why he should come to wonderland when what he really wanted was to sleep and rest at home.

The endless sacrifices that a father makes to ensure his family is happy makes you wonder what we would do without him. As much as we love our mother, our father completes our personality and makes us a better person. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!

Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

The Best Sex Positions

The Best Sex Positions

Image source: http://goodtoknow.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/111/000008efd/be71_orh100000w614/Sex-positions-for-conception.jpg

There are a lot of books and guides out there with, like, a ja-zillion sex positions...

A good many of them are either anatomically impossible if you haven't been doing Yoga or gymnastics for at least 10 years, and a good many are just uncomfortable and not particularly good for sexual enjoyment.

But you don't need to know a ja-zillion sex positions... what you want to know is:

What sex positions really work the best?

Are there sex positions that are better than others for giving a woman more powerful orgasms?

Are there sex positions that are better for male "staying power"?

Are there love making positions that can promote intimacy? Or intercourse positions for "smaller" or "larger men"?

And, of course, are there sex positions that can hit the g spot or the clitoris?

The answer is, "Yes," to all of the above.

I will answer all of these questions in this "how to."

And yep, these sex positions really work... and I won't even need any diagrams or illustrations to explain them to you, because they are all very simple variations on what you are already doing.

***Woman On Her Back Sex Positions

The basic position with the woman on her back, the man on top, is referred to as "missionary" position.

It's a big favorite because you are face to face, and it can be very intimate and loving.

Here are some variations that you might enjoy...

For women who need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm (and there are a lot of them), there is a position called "The Coital Alignment Technique", or CAT.

Here's how it works...

Start in missionary position, man on top. He scoots up about 6 inches so that the angle of penetration is sharply downward, then she wraps her legs around him, crosses her ankles, and then works them down around his calves. If you got this part right, then the top of the penis will now be making strong contact with your clitoris. And then...

SHE controls the motion by rocking her hips forward and back. This allows the woman to adjust the pressure and the speed of the stimulation against her clitoris.

Once she's got that going, he can start a thrusting motion in time with her rhythm. The whole thing takes a little practice, but once you get it going, most couples report major points on the scream-o-meter.

For the g spot (and for men who are very large, or if she sometimes finds it uncomfortable when penetration is too deep), try this one...

The man sits back on his heels and pulls the woman's hips onto his knees. Penetration is at a sharp upward angle. A little experimentation with the motion, and he might be able to poke at the g spot, or further back at the anterior fornix (another spot that many woman report has powerfully orgasmic results).

Added bonus: his hands are free, which means it's possible to massage the clitoris or breasts, or just stroke her hair and face, or hold her hands.

And, finally, for marathon sessions...

The man stands at the edge of the bed between the woman's legs. Depending on whether her legs are up or down, the angle can be changed to suit your pleasure.

Because it takes weight off the base of the penis, most men find it much easier to withhold ejaculation for much longer in this position... PLUS... the thrusting motion is easier and there's lots of air circulation around your body to keep you cool... Get ready to set your new all-time record!

***Woman On Her Belly Sex Positions

All of these "from behind" sex positions are sometimes referred to as "doggy style"... and between that unfortunate name and so many women in our culture having sensitivities to the appearance of their rear... plus, the lack of face-to-face intimacy... there are some women out there who just don't like the idea of these positions.

That's a shame. Because many other women report these positions to be their favorite.

We're all familiar with the basics so...

For a man with a smaller penis... if her hips are in the air and her face is on the pillow, you are now in the intercourse position that allows the deepest penetration possible. (And if you are with a man who is larger, go slow and careful at this one).

And, at the opposite extreme, it is possible to contact both her clitoris and g spot from behind with this little bit of creativity...

She lies down flat on her belly, he straddles her legs, she lifts her hips slightly so that he can slide one or both hands beneath her pelvis.

His palm right beneath her pubic bone provides just the right amount of tilt and feels amazing for both partners.

From this position, the angle of penetration can hit the g spot, and he can curls his fingers between her legs to stimulate her clitoris (or just cup her vulva, which can also feel very good during thrusting).

For bonus points, the nape of the woman's neck (one of the most potent female erogenous zones) is open for licking or light biting...

The neighbors will hate you from all the screaming.

***Woman On Top Sex Positions

Typically the woman will straddle the man and rest on her knees. Most women love these love making positions because they get to run the show for a change, and... since women are naturally more clever than men with the motion of their hips (unless he happens to be a professional salsa dancer)... she can get a lot of control over the depth, angle, and intensity of intercourse.

The problem?

For many women, this position begins to hurt the knees after only a short time.

The solution?

A narrow chair with no arms, a piano bench, or... if you are into home fitness... a weight bench is perfect.

Allowing her to get her feet onto the floor can really turbo-charge any girl-on-top sex positions and, since these are usually intercourse positions that make it easier for men to withhold ejaculation, you can settle in for a nice long love making session!

And, finally, for spiritual love making that might just take you, literally, out of this world...

The buddhist monks of Tibet have a sacred tantric sex position known as "yab yum"... though, I'll warn you in advance, it takes some flexibility in the guy.

Here's how you can yab yum too... The man sits with the soles of his feet together and knees apart (The yoga position is known as baddha konasana). The woman then straddles him and wraps her legs around his back.

For extra credit in this spiritual sex position... the man butterflies his knees up and down to control the motion. Now place your foreheads together to align your chakras, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth to complete the energetic circuit, and take long... slow... synchronized breaths through the nose.

...And I'll see you on the astral plain!

About the Author:

Alex Allman is the author of "Revolutionary Sex: For Her," a program built from the collected knowledge of countless experts and from years of working with hundreds of couples, that gives women...

- The sexual confidence and techniques to get more (much more) pleasure from sex

- Techniques to drive any man wild in the bedroom

- Intimacy building exercises to build trust and bring love into love-making.

- And develop a deep understanding of the male sexual mind.

Check out more info on the program or sign up for his free newsletter here:

Revolutionary Sex For Her

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Author's Bio: 

ItsAllAboutWomen.com is here to uplift, inspire, share and celebrate everything thats wonderful about women. Our goal is to make the lives, careers and relationships of women worldwide better by providing them with resources, connections and a sense of community.

We are also bringing forward real world, results-based information, products and services that educate, empower and support women around the world. Whenever possible we hire women contributors, staff and work with women-owned businesses as our vendors and suppliers. As a business, we believe in giving back. A portion of each product sale and a portion of our overall income are donated to non-profits run by and for the benefit of women and children.

The best guide to finding the best bikini for your next trip

The best guide to finding the best bikini for your next trip

Image source: https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/pf/us/r30/Purple5/v4/84/48/fb/8448fb37-f384-855a-c3c8-b2b1105cae80/pr_source.png

One of the most efficient and effortless ways to get into shape is through swimming. Whether you are just planning on swimming to get fit and stay active, or you are adept at swimming and are looking for a swimsuit that is perfect for your next trip to the beaches, choosing a swimsuit is not an easy task. While it may look like you can just pick something up and go with it, it is not that easy with the thousands of different types and styles of swimwear and swimming costumes you can choose from available on the market that can confuse you.
If you are trying to find a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect two-piece costume for your body type and comfort level, this is the ideal article for you to guide you through every aspect of choosing the perfect swimwear for your next trip.

Material The first thing you need to focus on while choosing a swimwear costume is the material that it is going to be made of. While there are a number of fashion swimwear in the market that are made from cotton or polyester, the fact is that fabrics like these are not going to be very comfortable for you to wear. Not only are they quite capable of retaining water, which can make them quite heavy and uncomfortable, they are also quite useless when it comes to providing any kind of support. While these are great for a poolside party, you are definitely not going to want to risk a wardrobe malfunction in front of hundreds of people. Neoprene is a material that is high in strength and is capable of giving you support. The material is flexible, quick drying and really durable. Neoprene swimwear, therefore, is the way to go.

Types A bikini is one of the most popular types of swimwear and can look great on anyone. Whether you opt for a neoprene bikini in the traditional string tie style, which is a little less secure or a sporty style which is more ergonomically designed or anything in between, the trick is to find something that you feel comfortable in and that shows the amount of skin you are comfortable in. Neoprene, being a shaping material, you can be assured that no matter what style you pick, it will cling to your body and emphasize your curves perfectly. If you wish to be more modest, a one-piece monokini can also be a good idea for you.

If you are a beginner and are not quite comfortable with swimming, neoprene life jackets can be a great option that can help you out and help you feel more comfortable while swimming. These life jackets can add buoyancy and can help you feel lighter, which can help you float while you are in the water, making it the ideal top for beginners who are not quite confident enough to swim.

Colors There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to colors. Whether you want to opt for solid colors or prints, it should be entirely your choice. A great idea can be to pair a printed top with solid bottoms or to go for a coordinated top and bottom style.

With these tips and ideas, you can pick the best swimsuit for your next vacation or for practice.

With the best neoprene life jackets and neoprene bikini helping you stay comfortable, dry and secure, you can experience the exquisite joy of swimming and experience the happiness that comes with it.

The Difference between APA and MLA Format

Image source: https://www.ashford.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/2014/07/Screen-Shot-2014-08-11-at-4.15.22-PM.png The two most popular form...