Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

Temporary Tattoos - Advantages versus Disadvantages

Temporary Tattoos - Advantages versus Disadvantages

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What is the drawback of having any drawings on your body?

Tattoos are much in vogue these days. However, there are many apprehensions surrounding the whole process of getting it done. The most significant issue is the fact that having a figure painted on your body could be a permanent mark, which could be hard to be removed.

So, what would be the solution in this case?

It is hard to remove a permanent tattoo in case that the bearer does not want it anymore, e.g. the name of a long lost love interest. Temporary tattoos are the perfect solution for such scenarios. They give the same quality as a permanent one except that they are easy to be removed.

What are the drawbacks of such a solution?

There are many ways of getting a temporary tattoo, e.g. bubble gum transfer methods. However, these drawings are short lived, the ink is often blurry, and the image indistinct leads to miss the whole purpose of having a tattoo.

Who are the best candidates for such a solution?

In the best cases, such a solution suits kids who do not care much about the style anyway. Furthermore, it has been often experienced that children change their minds quite often and they always want to try something new.

Well, what about the adults?

For adults who are interested in such a solution, they should try some designs that offer an outstanding looking, but do not stick permanently to the skin. For example, henna designs with a traditional look and ball point shapes are more long lasting sharp tattoos, which do not permanently blotch the skin.

When should I recommend this solution for you?

Temporary drawings are often used for specific occasions and, hence, one would have them for a specific party and choose to get rid of them later. For example, an all night New Year might be the right context for lower back tattoo pictures, or dragonfly tattoos on the cheeks.

Temporary tattoos could also be used for promotional campaigns, or for showing off logos. For example, dolphin tattoo designs for eco system campaigns. In this case, one would not risk a permanent mark for such a small lived purpose.

What would be my personal recommendation for you?

Irish tattoo designs are another good example of temporary designs. The Irish cultural influence leads to corresponding designs that are culturally rich and not limited to a specific heritage. They might not be a great idea for a permanent drawing, but could be the right image to bear before a holiday tour.

Similarly, a dragonfly tattoo -that symbolizes freedom and beauty- could be worn on the neck, or lower back. Young people usually go for such kind of designs when they go for holidays in open areas.

Temporary Tattoos - Advantages and Disadvantages

Temporary drawings are a good way of experiencing tattoo designs without a permanent impact. But they fade faster and might sometimes look blurry and ugly. Some parts of the design might be lost and some not causing a bad image.

One of the very few disadvantages is, if one really likes the artwork and start identifying with it, he may start to lose it. However, temporary tattoos are less painful to get rid of, which should always be an option because the trends of today might be old fashion tomorrow.

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