Minggu, 22 April 2018

Public Speaking - The Language of Effective Speaking

Public Speaking - The Language of Effective Speaking

Image source: https://cdn.churchm.ag/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/using-effective-multimedia-image.jpg

The objective of effective public speaking is to communicate in a clear and interesting way. The language used will depend on the type of audience and your own personal style. Because of this there are only a few guidelines that generally apply.

The language used should not be too elaborate. Sometime speakers fall in love with long words and quotations so that they become too elaborate in their presentation. Audiences expect to listen to interesting speeches that they can easily understand and do not expect great oratory.

For effective public speaking simple words and expressions are better than fancy language because this is the style they use in private conversation and they are more likely to understand it. It appears even Shakespeare supported this idea when he used some of the smallest and simplest words to express one of mans biggest questions "To be or not to be."

Use simple words instead of unwieldy words, where they communicate well the ideas and thoughts you are seeking to express, for example use: Opposite instead of antithesis

Pay instead of remuneration

End instead of conclusion

Raise instead of elevate etc.

Of course there are times when a long word is the only way to be clear. If you have difficulty in pronouncing the long word, use it as often as you can before you give your speech to get used to saying it.

The use of offensive language should be avoided. To a certain extent the audience must listen to you once they have sat down. The use of offensive language is usually self-defeating, because the audience often goes from objecting to the language to the speaker then on to their purpose.

The use of slang words can also be difficult. To be effective the audience must be familiar with the meaning of the word. Slang words that have become widely accepted can be used if they are not overused during the speech and you are sure of their meaning. However, when starting out slang words should probably be avoided. As you gain more experience these can be added in moderation.

Effective public speaking uses the language of great conversation. The language used in conversation is more direct and simpler than that used in formal language and written language. It is more effective for public speaking because it is easier for the audience to understand.

Effective public speaking today is about clearly communicating to your listeners. Usually the most effective language to use is the same as that used in great conversation - simple words and phrases are used to convey ideas and information. It is good manners and good practice to avoid using language that offends the audience.

This modern approach to public speaking where it is the effective conveying of ideas rather than the language used that is most important makes it easier today for most people to become effective public speakers.

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